

Sorry... I was just so excited about this I think it warrants it's own post...Aaron McGruder will be bringing The Boondocks back to Adult Swim starting October 8th and I can't wait!!! The delay since last season was so long I was scared Huey and Riley weren't coming back but I'm thrilled they are...Shoulda known they were on CP Time...Hey better late than NEVER!!! The new episodes are to be filled with rappers and other black talent who lent their voices to the upcoming season... It's bound to be another season of black radicalness from Huey mixed with gangster antics from Riley...Sounds like the story of my life...


- Beyonce has been rockin' that LV Tribute Bag I was so against...Crazy thing is... She's making me eat my words...That bag is pretty ill I will admit...

- Speaking of Beyonce...I'm happy I'm
not the only one who get's annoyed by her...I was beginning to think something was wrong with me since I don't love her like every other human being...

- Bourjois just introduced a mascara cell phone charm like the lip gloss charm I love so much...Thank da lawd I have 3 cell phones...Where else would I put all my charms?

- Here we go again... Every 6 months there's a new city that tries to cite peeps for saggin'...If this isn't the signs of a police state... I dunno what is...

- I shoulda named this post the Beyonce edition...Class ring maker Josten's has teamed with the House of Dereon to create House of Dereon class rings...Lawd that's just what every teenager needs...A reminder in 30 years that they were stupid enough to worship Beyonce like all the other easily persuaded Americans...

- So Barry Bonds thinks Mark Echo is an 'idiot'...I'm sho he's not the only one...

Nike Air Native N7

Nike has created the first-of-a-kind performance shoe designed to address the specific fit and width requirements for the Native American foot. The Air Native N7 was created to help promote fitness amongst Native Americans, a community with high obesity rates. Research shows Native Americans have taller and wider feet than general so the the Air Native will be wider with a larger toe box and have other modifications to help with comfort. The shoe will also have "several "heritage callouts" including sunrise to sunset to sunrise patterns on the tongue and heel of the shoe. Feather designs adorn the inside and stars are on the sole to represent the night sky."

It will be distributed solely to American Indians and all proceeds from the sale of the shoe will be reinvested in health programs for tribal lands...Ill 'kicks AND charity...That's good ish...


Justin's NYC Closed...

According to XXL, Puff...Sorry Diddy (I always forget not to call him Puff) has decided to close Justin's in NYC...

The statement which was released says ...
“Bad Boy is seeking a larger footprint for the restaurant in the New York City area, as the size and location of the restaurant no longer fit the Justin’s brand,” the statement said. “The company sees the larger Justin’s Restaurant in Atlanta, which takes up most of a city block, as the prototype for the new New York City location. Bad Boy representatives are evaluating a number of options for a larger space in some of New York City’s prime traffic areas.”

I guess...Another case of they weren't making any money so they giving people lame excuses...On another note I have the original recipe for Justin's Puffy Shrimp so hit me up if you need it I'll be more than happy to pass it along...


Oh Wheely?

Check out this ill shoe wheel I saw over at Fashionista. It will hold up to 30 pairs of men's or women's shoes and for only $65 it's not really that expensive...I think this shoe wheel is a good idea but it seems like it might take up too much space...Yeah it holds 30 pairs but at a width of 13" it's wider than normal shoe boxes that you can stack on top of each other and shove against the wall which you probably can't do with this...I'm sure you need a lil more space than 13" so you can spin the thing around and find your 'kicks...I dunno...I guess maybe if you only have around 30 pairs of shoes and can fit them all in this one contraption then it's OK but I think I'll stick to my Ikea IVAR system that I can continue to expand to fit my ever expanding shoe collection...


MD 20/20...The Bling Edition...

Is it just me or does anyone else find it offensive that the Blue Raspberry Mad Dog 20/20 is wearing a bling bling nameplate?


New XXL Cover...

The new cover of XXL has been floating around the 'net for a few days now...I saw it and didn't pay too much attention to it 'til I read this...This is why people who don't know hip hop shouldn't blog about hip hop...Is she SERIOUS?! How can she say "I loves me some Lupe, but as for the rest of these dudes....stop playin'"...Even if some of these rappers are a little skeptical how she sleepin' on Saigon, Young Dro, Papoose, Rich Boy AND CROOKED I!? And I have a beef with XXL...Why is Crooked I still a Leader of the New School? Just 'cuz ya'll just started listening to his Hip Hop Weekly's? When is he going to be accepted as a West Coast veteran?! Dude has been on tracks since '98!!!! I swear the West don't never get no respect...



The Urban Mobility Limited Edition Bag from Puma

I saw this bag over at Karmaloop and had to do a major double take...It's the U.M. Limited Edition Bag from Puma...Only 600 were made to sell worldwide and only 60 available in the US. This bag features white Napa Leather, a cherry wood base panel with a gloss finish, silver metal wheels, black satin lining and two white leather pouches. It's $780 and it's definitely Miami worthy and that's good ish...


I need them both (the black J's and the pink trainers)...Available at Proper...I've actually owned these black J's the first time they were released in like '92-'93...I have no clue what happened to them...


Hollywould X Target collabo

The next accessory collabo for Target is with Hollywould... It's to be released October 14th and I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it... I've been a Hollywould fan for years but this collabo proves to be a little boring...The shoes and bags are nice but they seem to be missing that extra umph Hollywould shoes usually have...That might be 'cuz the price point for these Target shoes is $30 while normal Hollywould shoes can run $300-$600 but I thought that was the whole point of these collabos..."to bring afforable fashion to the masses"...I didn't think that the fashion part was to be sacrificed since the shoes were cheap but who am I foolin'...No matter what anyone tells you we all know a $30 pair of shoes can't compete with a $500 pair no matter who designs the shoe...What I do like about this collabo (unlike with the Devi Kroell collabo) is that a lot of these accessories are available in materials I'd actually rock like cotton, denim, leopard, satin and not just pleather as they like to call it...Straight up plastic is what I like to call it... The one's above are the “Lauren” Glitter/Lace Round-Toe Pumps with Patent Bow available in Silver & Pink $30 which I think are definitely coppable and the one's below are the “DeeDee” Zip Top available in Gold Denim, Silver Denim, Cognac Synthetic & Black Synthetic $40...These I wanna see in Denim 'cuz that might be hot but I'd stay away from the synthetics...

*By the way...Let me explain my aversion to cheap shoes 'cuz it's not just about style...It's about comfort, stability, foot health, back alignment and being able to walk in your heels correctly...My mother always told me never wear cheap shoes 'cuz you will have a bad day...And I always just thought she was being the image conscious fashionista that she is so I tried not to buy cheap shoes but every now and then I'd buy a pair...Let me tell you...The difference in cost is the difference between you working in heels all day, dancing the night away at the club, leaving at 2AM (this is LA) and hittin' up after hours 'til 7am OR you being in flats all day, putting on your heels at 9PM, going to the club, standing around uncomfortable and not dancing, leaving the club with your shoes in your hand at 2AM irritated, tired and ready to go home (please don't ever do this by the way...carry a pair of flexflops in your purse like me if you think you're going to be having a long night)...Cheap shoes are also the difference between having 10 pairs of heels you don't really like wearing 'cuz they hurt yo feet OR 1 or 2 really stylish, comfortable 4" or 5" pairs that you don't mind throwing on with jeans and a t-shirt and running through the airport trying to make yo Miami flight in (I'm always late for that flight and I live 15 mins away from LAX) or wearing them to go grocery shopping in...You can even run down the aisle and ride the basket in them...You should try it...It's fun...


Alexander McQueen X M.A.C. cosmetics

Word is the Alexander McQueen X M.A.C. collabo will be released in early October and I for one can't wait! The limited edition colors are all from McQueen's autumn/winter 2007-08 catwalk and they are sure to inspire make-up junkies everywhere. I think I'm going to have to experiment with the Electro Sky Paint Pot and the Nile Eyehadow (blue shades)...Archangeli has more pics over at her Flickr account...

Jay...Jigga...Jazzy...Whatever You Wanna Call Him...

DOES indeed have a new album coming out...Nah Right is reporting that it's TRUE!!! Jay has a new album coming out...And I for one can't be happier...I mean did we really expect him to retire...How many rappers retire and actually stay retired? The NY Times is reporting the album will drop in early November...Read More and check The NY Times link over at Nah Right...

*On a side note...The portrait of Jay above is by one of my favorite young artists Cbabi Bayoc and it is available at the Bayoc Studio (which very honestly deserves a post of its own)...


New Era x Agenda x Stoked “Contributions” Collection Hat by In4mation

I saw this hat over at Freshness a few weeks ago and immediately fell in love and for me that's hard to do with fitteds maybe 'cuz I'm a broad...I do own a couple and I rock them from time to time but it's rare that I see one and just have to have it like with this one...The clouds, the cursive (I have a thing for lower case cursive) and the aloha under the brim are so artisitic I couldn't help but to fall in love...This hat by In4mation for the New Era X Agenda X Stoked collabo is just so ill...This first installment of New Era X Agenda X Stoked collabos was designed by six different brands and will be released holiday season and the proceeds will be going to Stoked Mentoring which makes me love this hat even more...Art, fashion and charity? Definitely good ish...

Renova Toilet Paper

A couple years ago Renova released black toilet paper and it was all the rage...I personally thought colored toilet paper was a unique idea but I personally didn't want black toilet paper in my bathroom...Well Renova now has an answer to my complaints...They now have added green, red and orange to the line up in rainbow bright, techni colors! The green is really off chain and I'm mos def purchasing it for the upcoming holidays parties but it would make a nice addition to any guest bathroom year round...I got a penchant for ill household items...They're the kinda things that make you smile when you wake up in the AM and hate yo day job...



Is THIS about? They are NOT serious!! Someone tell me they are not serious...Interscope Records thinks selling $5 swap meet glasses and a $3 Liquid Paper PEN for $20 to make and I quote to make your own Soulja Boy shades is a GOOD IDEA! I really would like to know how many orders they've taken for this combo...The next time I hear someone say Hip Hop is dead I'm going to say blame Interscope for stifling the creativity of the youth and selling pre-packaged ol' school Ghetto taggin' kits...



Paris Hilton launched Rich Prosecco...This girl will put her face on about anything... I guess there's a market for champagne in a can...Altho I think Sofia conquered this market a few years ago and between them and the mini Moet...I don't really think we need another portable champagne...

Why do I have this bowl?!!! The one I have cost about $25...My boss picked it up in Amish Country!!!! Wonder if they know someone bit their ancient art of bowl making...Probably not...That's what happens when you shun technology...Peeps take yo ideas and start charging $75 for them...

Since when can an airline ask you to get off a flight for wearing revealing clothing? This 'fit ain't even THAT revealing! If it was me I'd sue too...

It was only a matter of time before someone figured out how to download free ringtones on the new iPhone...follow this link before they make them take it down! LOL!

Forbes also has info about unlocking the phone so you can use it with other carriers besides AT&T... Good ish...

Told Ya'll...

I really didn't wanna do another Told Ya'll post so soon BUT I TOLD YA'LL ( 1 - 2 )!!! Chanel Iman is going to be the next BIG Supermodel and the LA Times has a huge article about her on the front page of this Sunday's Image section...Check it out...Support the girl from Baldwin Hills...She's bound to be HUGE!!!



OHMIGOD!!! HOW can Oki-Ni stop selling Women's gear?! They are NOT serious...They are KILLING ME!!!

On their website they give some shitty ass reason as to why they stopped...Basically they weren't making enough money and so now we women have to suffer...

I must say I am actually really sad oki-ni is closing...They year isn't even over and already I've lost TWO great online places to shop...It's a sad day...

'kicks & gear...

You know what happens when I start bloggin' around late at night...I end up shopping or should I say coveting... Ya'll know I personally don't stray from Nike too much but I do own a pair of Andrew Kuo Pro Keds from the Pre-Dame Dash Era...The artist in me LOVES them!

Sorry had to throw a pic up to get in lightweight Braggin' Rights LOL! But I just saw these Pro-Keds over at Hypebeast...

These are the most gorgeous Pro-Keds I've seen in a while... They are a collabo with a basketball team in Japan’s Pacific Baseball Division...All I really know is they're ill...

Hypebeast also had these Dickies X Situation Normal collabo Idiot Savant shorts up...Ya'll know how I love Dickies (They were in last week's men's 'fit of the week)...I'm sure you can cop these shorts at SituationNormal...IF they're open...(sorry...inside joke)...

I love men's wear!! Girls can just freak them in ways guy's never can and that's why I LOVE being a broad! LOL!

Told Ya'll...

Inga was goin' down... She got a YEAR in the klink ...I wasn't wishin' it upon her 'specially since she's pregnant but I knew it was bound to happen...You can only act a fool so much 'til it catches up with you and very honestly they gave her a million chances to change her piss poor attitude 'cuz I'ma tell you right now if I had done that ish when I was on probation they woulda locked my black ass up right away...

Onituska Tiger Goes Back to School with Sportie LA...

I just got back from the Onitsuka Back to School event at Sportie LA and of course the party was hot...What else do you expect from Sportie? The fall Tigers are really different than any Asics I've seen before... They look like graph paper and all the details are embroidered on them like scribble scrabble...Kinda like a Nike seamless but with a whole lot of embroidery for the details...The graph paper and scribble scrabble are perfect for Back to School...That's what I used to do in class...Doodle and scribble scrabble and never pay attention...Anyway the kicks are pretty ill...Pretty creative...Pretty hot...Gimme a sec...I'll upload pics from the party...

and the ill gift bag...



- For all you guys that keep tearing up the back of your designer jeans...Look what I found...

- Eddie Griffin is COMEDY! I woulda told them "F*** Ya'll!" too! Uppity negroes....

- Common is right "a hat is another way of putting on a crown" but how you peddling $150 apple jacks? Who 'posed to buy them? The peeps in the 'hood? Like whateyesaygoes said...Just shows he ain't really down for The People...LMAO!

- Here's a guide with ill ways to lace yo sneaks...

- Beer and Bears do not mix...From what it sounds like tho...This idiot deserved what he got...

- I once posted how to make homemade bling...This time I'm posting how to get diamonds out of yo loved one's remains...Don't go rushin' no one to die so you can get an ice grill either...


NEW iPOD!!!!!

The new iPod is being released in a few weeks and YES it's like the iPhone..."the same size screen as the iPhone, but it's even thinner", "same multi-touch interface"...It also has WiFi so you can check the net...Comes in 8GB and 16GB and will be priced at $299 and $399...Now THIS is good ish...

50 vs Kanye Pt.2 (via The Sly Show)...

In an attempt to determine which album is better, The Sly Show is currently playing tracks from 50's and Kanye's album..Sly seems to think 50's go'n win...I'm still not sho...Especially since he won't let any Kanye songs play past 30 secs LOL! Apparently Kanye is "not amusing him" LOL! Sly says he'll post both albums on his site so you can decide for yourself but until then Tune in to The Sly Show RIGHT NOW!!!!

50 vs Kanye

This is the real cover of the Rolling Stone...Not the one below which has been circling the net for days now...If 50 ain't got the sloping forehead of prehistoric man I dunno who does...I swear I think he was frozen for a million years and recently thawed out...That's the only explanation as to how evolution skipped him...

I've actually heard Kanye's album (and the Japanese bonus tracks) and all I know is everything sounds better than anything 50's released off his album yet but what do I know? Maybe he's holding some heat waiting to release it at the last minute...I sho hope so or he's go'n be crying when Kanye outsells him and if that happens neither one of them is ever go'n shut up...

Shaq Has Filed for Divorce...

I never like seeing a black couple split but for some reason this one is making me a lil more sad than most...Crazy thing is HE filed for divorce...That's a lil strange...And according the the Miami Herald "Shaquille O'Neal is asking Shaunie O'Neal to provide a "correct accounting of all money, funds, stocks, bonds, and other securities" that she had access to or obtained during the marriage."...Hmmm...Someone dip her hand into the cookie jar without letting big man know? Rumor is she was stealing...I hope it's not true...How can you steal from the man that gives you the world? I'll never understand...

T Bags Sale...

Chloe Sale...

You don't see too many of these...Better RSVP...


P. Diddy Makes a Man Strip in Public...LOL!

Puff oh I'm sorry...P. Diddy done lost his mind...Page Six is reporting the other night at his annual white party he made some man strip off his cream pants and slip into some white one's that he provided...OK see I can understand making the man change...I'm all against fashion faux pas' too and if I'm throwing the party and can control a faux pas from happening then I'd be all over it too...I said white...I mean white...AND he was even nice enough to loan (Actually I should say give...I'm sure Puff don't want them pants back) the guy a pair of white pants but did he really need to make him change in the street? See THAT'S a lil too much...I know his lil mini me told on that dude...Look at him pointin' him out...Lil snitch...


Tokidoki X Onitsuka Tiger Collabo

We know I love Tokidoki and Tokidoki collabos (if you click collabos at the right about 4 tokidoki one's show up) but a Tokidoki X Asics Collabo?! It's like the collabo from heaven...I can't even believe it's happening...I've looked everywhere but there aren't any pics anywhere on the net to give hint as to what they might actually look like...Guess we'll hafta wait and see...Over at the Tokidoki blog Simone answers a few questions regarding the collabo in the comment section of his Sneaker Pimp post...Tell you one thing... I'm coppin' them when they come out...And yeah...I can say this without seeing the shoe...That's how much faith I have in Tokidoki and Asics...There will be 2 styles, 4 colors dropping in Spring 2008...Man that seems like a long time away...


Jovovich-Hawk X Target Collabo

One of my FAVORITE sites Fashionista.com just informed me that there will be a Jovovich-Hawk X Target collabo coming out!!! This is definitely one of the iller collabos Target has done and I can't wait for it to be released. It's due in stores Spring '08 and Milla says it will include "all our classic pieces: smock dresses, tunics, minis, all vintage-inspired, great prints"...Talk about bringing illness to the masses...

In other collabo news...Milla will also be designing a line of evening gowns and handbags for Mango (who Jovovich-Hawk have already done a collabo with) under her own name to be released this winter...

New Amerie Joint is HOT!

So I normally don't do individual posts for songs but this one is hot...It knocks...Trust...You need it in yo life...Download it here or over at the playlist on the side...

"want you to turn the lights off...ME... on..."



So I just left the Alife LA store opening event and it was mos def fun...The ginger drinks (this recipe is close...don't remember any pineapple tho) provided by 10 Cane were off the chain and the DJ's made sure to keep the crowd rockin'...My forgetful ass forgot to bring a camera so I have no pics to share but the store is hot...It's about time they opened a store in LA...Now whateyesaygoes doesn't have to fly to NY to shop and I know for a fact he thinks that's good ish...Check it out yourself...You'll be pleasantly surprised...

451 N. Fairfax Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90036

* Update...Apparently I didn't need to bring my camera...Someone over at Hypebeast thoughtfully put me in the opening shot of their recap

Y3 Boots at eLuxury...

A couple years ago I wanted a pair of Y3 navy boots...They kinda resembled these but they weren't so tall... They were maybe 3 or 4 inches shorter... I thought they were fly and I was very upset when they sold out and I couldn't find them... I just stumbled across these Y3 Runway Nagatabi Boot over at eLux and while I didn't fall in immediate love with them like I did previous seasons I still think I can rock the ish outta these (even tho they are a bit super hero-ish)...The red is a HUGE deviation from anything I'd ever wear (I don't rock red at all) but the illness of the boots overcomes the color...I might hafta cop these but first I'm go'n do a Google search and maybe some eBaying and see if I can find the navy one's from a couple years ago...

My Lip Gloss is Cool...My Lip Gloss be Poppin'...

I have a thing for cell phone charms but I've never thought about the fact that maybe they can actually be useful...I've always assumed them to be useless trinkets with the sole purpose of making me smile (I guess making me smile is a useful thing tho)...Well these cell phone charms not only make me smile, they also enhance my smile...Only available at Sephora, these mini version of Bourjois' best-selling lip gloss, Effet 3D, will make sure that every time you leave the house your lipgloss won't be too far behind...