Yet another limited edition makeup collabo...
Smashbox cosmetics has a long history of working with artists. In fact, the entire collection is designed for the needs of the makeup artists and photographers who work on the sets of legendary Smashbox Photo Studios. This season, Smashbox is partnering with a different type of artist - the renowned illustrative artist Simone Legno, creator of Tokidoki - for a magical, Japanimation-inspired collection that is both colorful to wear and fun to tote.Tokidoki: Japanese for "sometimes" is meant to represent the hope and hidden energy we all have inside us that grants us the strength to face each new day in a positive way.
I absolutely love tokidoki...The characters are fly, ill and edgy...and it doesn't hurt that the black one slightly resembles someone I know...it started out as Simone's personal website and soon evolved into a whole tokidoki world... This collabo is already available on the smashbox website