
Kendo and Toms Make a Difference...

We know I love anything charity related... And besides that Kendo parties are always real ill...

Invite you to
Come Make A Difference
September 1, 2007
7128 Melrose Ave
Live Art and Refreshments Provided


If You Are Unable To View The Image, Go To...http://kendo-la.com/pics/kendoxtoms.jpg


- Hip Hop Harry got picked up by The Retro Television Network...That's good ish...I'm all about tryin' to educate the youth in a way they can relate too...

- The commercials are the other reason why I love the LA County Fair...The past 3 or 4 years they have created a series of commercials ( 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ) that mock the stereotypical Los Angeleno...The one when the girl is in the bumper cars trying to text on her 'kick is comedy...

- New York magazine has a model manual online...Just in time for fashion week...They also have video posted of the 5 worst falls in fashion...That used to be my biggest fear in life falling on the runway...

- These Creative Recreation Boots are off chain!

- Aw Lawd...Foxy claims she is suffering on Rikers Island ...Ummm... It's jail...You're supposed to suffer...

- HollyHood Filmz has
acquired the motion picture rights to Dear Mama: The Life Story of Afeni Shakur...I hope this project will actually make it...The youth need to know the history of their past leaders if we are ever go'n get ahead...Especially since I'm sure the only thing they know about Afeni from Tupac's lyrics is that she was once a crackhead...

- Check out Murs' new video "Murray's Revenge"...Ya'll know I love Murs...His video for L.A. been on my myspace page for about 3 years now...

- It's Britney Bitch!

- No matter how Jennifer Lopez acts or who she dates or marries (whatever)...This right here shows that she'll always be hood...She is COMEDY!

LA County Fair Time!!!

I'm a simple girl and it's the simple things in life that make me happy...With that disclaimer aside...Can I say I LOVE THE LA COUNTY FAIR?!!! I know I always say I LOVE things but that's cuz I do really love things that make me happy and the County Fair is definitely one of those things that fills my soul for a million not so obvious reasons but I'll focus on the main one...

I have gone to the Fair every year since I was a kid...My mom dragged me and even as I kid I loved it...The rides, the games, the animals...It was sooo much fun...When I entered my teenage years I started going 'cuz there were always guys around you could flirt with and maybe if you were lucky and went the right night there'd even be a makeshift club going on and of course 'cuz my mom dragged me...But as I got older I realized that I still love the rides and the super slide but what really makes to go to the County Fair these days (and I say county fair and not just LA 'cuz I hit up the OC County Fair when it's going down too...It's cheaper to get in and the only real difference is it's a lil smaller which is fine by me...Who really walks the whole fairground anyway? Have you seen the whole thing? But I digress...) What really makes me go to the County Fair these days is the food!

Chocolate filled Churros, Turkey Drumsticks, Turkey Corndogs, Frozen Banana on a Stick, Pork Chop on a Stick, Corn on the Cob, Funnel Cake, Cotton Candy, Sno Cones, Caramel Apples, Popcorn, Homemade Potato Chips with Baked Potato toppings and Beer! On top of that the County Fair will deep fry anything...Snickers, Oreos, Twinkies, Strawberries, Apples, Tomatoes, Avocados, Olives...Even Coke... Sheesh...It's frickin' heaven is what it is...Definitely a lil gluttony crackin' off but it only happens once a year...That's my excuse...

And if you don't believe me....Check...People of all ages seriously love The LA County Fair...I can't wait to go there and eat! I'm so excited!

2nd Annual All Work All Play BBQ

The Hundreds...check out their blog here...

Good Lookin' on the heads up Kendo...

Bookswim vs The Library

I saw this over at M.I.S.S. Crew a couple days ago and have been meaning to share it with my fellow dorks...No ladylexx you are not the only one geeking over this...Bookswim is being dubbed the Netflix for Books...Now while I LOVE BOOKS I'm not sure how I feel about this...It's just kinda like a library with a fee...The first thing is...Netflix was replacing in store movie rentals like from Blockbuster or some other video store...You were already paying someone to rent the DVDs now you have the convienence of getting them delivered and no late fees and that ish...But was anyone paying to rent books before? And if they were I can direct them to the closest library where you can rent books for free...There's actually TWO different library systems in LA...Los Angeles Public Library System and the County of Los Angeles Public Library System...Now if you want to subscribe to Bookswim 'cuz you're lazy and just don't feel like going to a library then be it...I can completely understand that but just know that even though they say shippng is free that's really where your $20 monthly fee is going 'cuz the library woulda let you borrow those books for free and I'm sure they have a much larger selection than Bookswim...

Fly Girls...

Sorry for the late notice...I've been really busy and I'm a lil behind on blog posts...

Fly Girls: Original Edits + Remixes
This unique series from the L.A. native mixes the sexiness of the female form with hip-hop informed aesthetics through one-of-a-kind graphic compositions and limited edition digital prints.

August 31, 2007
HVW8 Gallery (site has a lot of info regarding the show)
661 N. Spaulding Avenue
(corner of Melrose and Spaulding)


Blog Day 2007

Today is Blog Day. The idea is to share 5 of your favorite blogs with your readers in an attempt to get them to explore new blogs...I like the idea... I'm down... So here are 5 of my favorite blogs (in no particular order)...

1- WhoWhatWearDaily - A daily update "with immediate access to fashion as portrayed by the world's finest trendsetters." Honestly I'm not sure if it qualifies as a blog but what the hell...I check for it daily when I'm going through my blogroll... It's filled with fashion fashion and more fashion and that's all that matters...As they say... "We don't care who you date or if you eat. We only care about what you wear."

2- I Heart That - Another fashion blog which brings you the latest in fashion and comment on the current trends that the celebrities and models are wearing. They identify clothes that celebs have on and point you on where to go cop them...And I like that... It's kinda like giving you a head start on your shopping mission and that's good ish...

3- Gadget Chick - The nerd in me will always love gadgets..

4- YBF - I stay up on pop culture (or I should say I try)...I blog around...I glance at the InTouch and other gossip mags and this site provides me with the ability to stay up on "black" pop culture...Trust me it's not as easy as it seems...

5- Wooster Collective - A Celebration of street art, stickers, posters, grafitti and culture jamming...This site feeds my need for art and inspiration in my life...It gives my creative side a boost and makes me feel as if I'm part of some cool subculture...

Since they said 5 I'm going to stop at 5...Altho I just realized I don't have a music or sneaker blog listed which is strange 'specially since 95% of the time I'm looking at blogs they're about sneakers or music...Anyway...Check them out peoples! Take a trip into my world...

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