
Chanel Holographic Nail Polish?

Man how come no one told me about this holographic nail polish from Chanel?!! Ya'll know I'm a dedicated Chanel Ceramic Noir follower...Something about the silvery black shade hypnotizes me and makes me feel so non-mainstream (I know...it's kinda an oxymoron... you got on Chanel nail polish trying to be non-mainstream...that's my guilty pleasure...like Leah from MOB describes her style...It's kinda 'Park Ave meets the hood'...I'm sho it is...that's the style of most hood fashionistas) Anyway...This color combo looks like it's way more hypnotizing than the Ceramic Noir...How come its not being sold in the States? Might hafta have Lil Miss UPS snatch up a set or two and send them over...

Nail polish trends seem to be copying the 80's...I guess kinda like gear is too...Hey growing up in LA in the late 80's all I ever saw on my older cousins were 3 inch airbrushed nails so I was raised on nail art...The spot on Manchester and Vermont would take a $100 bill cut it up and decoupage the pieces on yo nails (I should go see if they still do that)...Back in college I used to paint my nails every night to match the 'fit I was wearing the next day...I shoulda known then I shoudn't of been pre-med...Anyway... I
'm kinda happy nail art is blowing back up...You can find all kindsa blogs and sites dedicated to it these days...Like All Lacquered Up.com...Good ish...Long live nail art...

Da Buyble...

I love looking at men's buying guides...They're always full of inspiration, ill products (I see I'm not the only one jocking Nixon watches) and the flyest sneakers...This one from Inquiringmind is no different...Check it out...It'll make you wish summer was already here...

Get Your Kate Moss TopShop Early!!!

Thank Fashionista for the heads up...

Bodega Avenue

I fell in love with The Boondocks back in 2000 when they were relatively new...This was way before Riley even started growing corn rows...The characters reminded me so much of people I actually knew and could relate to that I signed up to have it delivered to my inbox every day... Well when Aaron McGruder went a lil Dave Chappelle last year and just stopped writing the strip abruptly it left a hole in my heart that I was still trying to fill...Until now...

While reading the current issue of Latina I came across a quick article about Bodega Ave. so I had to check it out...

Bodega Ave. is the brainchild of Tara Lopez, Tatiana Suarez Pico, and Aurin Squire. It's a pop fantasy and ridiculous satire based on a bunch of pre-teens in Brooklyn. The diverse cast of kids reflects not only upon New York but most of America. Many of the stories come from personal experience and memories of growing up amidst a neighborhood of dredlocks, braids, and jewfros. The cartoon is about growing up weird and out of place in the world. For those of you, who’ve ever felt the same way as a child or adult, Bodega Ave. is the place for you

The fact that they are multicultural was enough to grab my interest...In NY I know it's more common to see black Latinos but trust... growing up in LA it was a little difficult sometimes explaining to the other kids in the 'hood why my family was speaking spanish (especially when I look black and Chinese...when I was young they thought I was a Vietnam war baby my mom adopted...She used to get so heated! comedy!) Anyway these kids are HILARIOUS...Ale and Julian are brother and sister and they are Latino (what kind...I'm not quite sure...I'm guessing Puerto Rican)...Edgar and Sven are twin brothers and they are an Irish/Dominicano mix...Haruko is a Black/Japanese mix (but she can speak Spanish)...Caren is Jewish which leaves Esperanza who is also Latina but I'm not quite sure what...Anyway check them out...I'm sure you can relate to one of them...They're pretty funny kids...

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Am I Really This Old?

Look what's being released this Tuesday... RIP T-Roy