

I just received this from the lovely peeps at Dirty Milk...

THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th marks the official GRAND OPENING of TRADITION. Gift bags and prizes courtesy of SUPER RAD TOYS, UNDRCRWN, TRIUMVIR and FRESHJIVE. Endless black&white photo booth sessions sponsored by ROYAL ELASTICS. Music by DJ SID VICIOUS and DJ SPRITE. Did we mention the open bar, food AND 20% OFF ALL merchandise..? Ooh weee...RSVP to grace@gpr-la.com. And, pass it on......

Good lookin' Danielito...everyone knows I love a party at a retail store...liquor, music and shopping...what could be better?! After I mix in a quick sneak to the car for a L rolled in Aleda...sheer heaven...


Man.... stupid Proeoner hit me up talkin' 'bout it's snowin' in West LA... he also sent along these pics...it's a lil slushy but he claims that's cuz it started raining immediately after it was snowing for about 10-15mins...whatever...anyone who knows him knows not to believe a word he says so I didn't... we were trying to figure out what website he snatched these pics from...then he sends me this link... so I had to take his word for it...what is the world coming to? First Drama arrested now this...