
Flippin' Out...

Check Spelling

I'm just greedy...Simple as that...Summer always seems to lead me on a quest for a new frozen snack to obsess over. The last two summers my frozen snack of choice was Sour Watermelon Slurpee's at 7-Eleven...This summer I have a new obsession Ben & Jerry's Flipped Out!

If this isn't the most ingenious idea I dunno what is... It reminds me of those ice cream cups you used to get off the ice cream truck when you were little but improved by 100%...The fudge and brownie is just right and it really doesn't seem like all that goodness could come in a pre-packaged container...I follow Ben & Jerry's on Twitter and recently they held a lil contest and I ended up winning TWO free packages of Flipped Out! Now if that isn't a reason to tweet I dunno what is...

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