
Will Chad Upset The NFL? Chances Are YES...

I must say I was a little sad when OchoCinco stopped tweeting...It took me a minute to realize it because I was recovering from being in Vegas for Magic and hadn't been on Twitter...All of a sudden though I realized I hadn't seen a tweet from him in days and I knew something had to be wrong...See Chad ustreams all the time and tweets non-stop...to his fans, to his girlfriend, to whomever will listen actually and when I hadn't seen a tweet from him I had to go on his profile and see what happened that's when I saw the message but I knew it wouldn't be long before Chad started tweeting again...SI.com reports it will happen this Sunday for the opener against the Broncos...I'm anxious to see what's going to happen 'cuz like he told me once before 'he ain't wrapped too tight'...

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